Leveraging interdisciplinary scientific excellence and innovation.
The Functional Layered Materials for Advanced Applications (FUNLAYERS) project consists of a twinning initiative aimed at propelling INL’s research excellence in the field of layered materials whilst unfolding its tremendous potential applications for energy storage and spintronics.
At the same time, FUNLAYERS also aims at positioning the research profile of INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory and its staff at an outstanding international research level through an established partnership with two world-class European institutions at the forefront of material science - ALBA Synchrotron (Barcelona - Spain), and Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Halle, Germany)
Overall aim
FUNLAYERS aims to leverage the interdisciplinary scientific excellence and innovation capacity of INL and strengthen partners’ research in the field of layered materials, capturing future opportunities for joint collaboration in R&I. Various strategic and measurable actions will be set up through seven WPs to create at INL a thriving and sustainable research environment and to decrease networking gaps between INL and leading international counterparts.
To promote a layered material transnational research environment that will facilitate and stimulate interdisciplinary research.
Significantly enhance the overall scientific and R&I capacity of INL in layered materials whilst improving the overall scientific culture, research capacity and performance.
Increase research excellence by collaboratively applying an interdisciplinary approach to developing layered materials with applications in spintronics and energy storage.
Amplify strategic partnerships & strengthen its visibility and reputation among the international research community and other stakeholders such as industry, policymakers, the business community and the broad public.
Secure a sustainable environment for future collaborations